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Dec 8, 2016


First, a huge thanks to all you listeners out there, you guys are awesome, keep up the awesome work you are doing!

Today I talk about how we are coming along in our new place of residence. We have done a lot but we still have a ton to get done.

The cool thing is we are enjoying the journey while we find that lifestyle of wellness.

Now that we are a little more settled in I am returning to my daily morning routine.  It is so important to have a daily routine it helps keeps things in perspective and makes our days so much more efficient.

Even thought I take between 30 minutes to an hour each morning to get ready for the day. I am able to achieve so much more than just waking up and starting the day.

Lets work as a community to help each other maintain a daily routine so we can truly take advantage of each day we have in this short journey called life!

Don't forget to like our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram. We also started a youtube channel, go and subscribe to get all the new videos. Lets grow this community to be the best community to find wellness. Thanks for all the help and support! I totally appreciate it more then you know.

Remember to enter through my website

This is just the opinion of one person if you have any questions feel free to send me an e-mail at


Ben (wellness farmer)
almost eight years ago

I would say the majority of millionaires either make their list the night before or first thing in the morning. I really like the idea of doing it the night before. I am introducing in my schedule the morning journal and evening journal where I can see and evaluate how I accomplished my goals for that day at night and prepare for the following day. The morning journal is more of a way to start off the day right, writing 3 things that I am grateful for and a brief history of what happened the day before. At night is when I analyze what happened and how I can better prepare for the following day.

Thanks for commenting and listening!

Silvia Page
over eight years ago

I really liked this episode. I am glad you are getting settled and being able to get things ready to plant, even though you don't have much land to do it. I was reading a book the other day in which it is mention the 1 million dollar plan ( I don't remember exactly if that was the amount). The plan specifies to make a list of the things to accomplish the following day on the previous night. It also indicates to take time to meditate first thing in the morning before working on the list. Keep up the good work!!