Nov 23, 2015
It is difficult to understand concepts that are contrary to what has been taught for the last 100 years. Wellness has been on the back burner in medicine for decades. That is why analogies work so well. The analogy of the fire department that James Chestnut D.C. uses is a great way to help understand the difference of modern medicine and the wellness lifestyle paradigm and the importance of both in medicine.
This analogy uses the house as the equivalent of your mind and body, medical doctors practicing modern medicine as the fire department and wellness practitioners as the renovation and maintenance experts.
Listen in today and hopefully this helps in understanding the importance of modern medicine and the wellness lifestyle paradigm in their respective roles in medicine.
I leave you with this quote from James Chestnut, D.C.
"We live in a world that teaches us to take drugs to dull the effects we experience from committing suicide with our lifestyle choices. We learn how to eat poisonous food without symptoms by taking antacids. We learn to eat a diet, which is in total incongruence with our genetic needs. We are getting fatter and sicker every year. We sell sodas, trans fats, and aspartame to children in our schools, and when they can't concentrate we give them drugs to sedate them. We eat breakfast cereals that are literally toxic, in most cases the box it comes in would be less toxic...We eat toxic and deficient diets and live toxic and deficient lifestyles and just keep looking for more toxic drugs to alleviate the signals our bodies are desperately sending in attempts to convince us to change our ways and save ourselves."
Working together, modern medicine and wellness practitioners, this trend can be reversed!