Apr 26, 2018
Most of us have something that we like a lot. As most of you that listen know I love helping people and I love growing food.
However today I talk about something else that I like and has been a part of my life for over 25 years. Today you are going to get to know a little more about the person behind the mic and it couldn’t be a better time to talk about it.
We all need some time to get away, we need this time just as much as we need time to work. Of course hard work is what truly pays off but we cannot constantly work hard we need some rest time not only physical rest but rest.
To find our true health we must get away, some people take that literally and go away for some time. I don’t have to go away but there is something that gets me excited and as I talk about that today I hope it opens up your mind and helps you remember what gets you excited also. As we work and grow we also need some rest and repair.
I am going to be giving a free class to a very limited number of people focusing on the questions about health from the small group. Don’t miss this opportunity for free knowledge catered to your needs.
The only way to get invited will be through a series of e-mails that I will be sending out soon. So if you haven’t joined my e-mail list yet go join so you don’t miss the invite to this very special event!