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Aug 31, 2017

On today’s episode, which falls on modern survivalism week. I am beyond stoked to bring you the person that has taught me so much about modern survivalism, Jack Spirko. I am so excited to be able to bring all this knowledge now to you guys. Enjoy and learn why Modern survivalism should be a lifestyle you should be...

Aug 24, 2017

On today’s episode, which happens to fall on wellness week, I know, 2 weeks in a row. I am changing things up just a little, don't worry modern survivalism week will be back next week.

Today I talk about a quote by Warren Buffet. There are a couple of important things in this life and I think a lot of what we do...

Aug 17, 2017

On todays episode, which happens to fall on wellness week I talk about fears and how they can stop us in our tracks or be the push to a better, healthier life.

I have been studying Stoicism and read a letter that Senaca wrote about fears and I talk about it on today's episode.

Most fears are exaggerated or even...

Aug 10, 2017

On today’s episode, which happens to fall on permaculture week I talk about food, of course. Actually I am talking about something that is sprayed on our food and why we should try and avoid it at all costs.

A study I found called Glyphosate, pathways to modern diseases II: Celiac sprue and gluten intolerance by...

Aug 3, 2017

On today’s episode, which happens to fall on wellness week I talk about 10 ways we can become better, 10 ways to improve who we are. I would actually go as far as to say that they are 10 ways we can use to return to who we are naturally.

The 10 things I am going to talk about are quotes from Gandhi. I came across an...