Jan 25, 2018
On todays episode, I bring back John Vespasian for the 3rd time. I just love chatting with John because he brings history into what he does. He provides examples of history to help show us the way. We can take that history, learn from it and build a better future and live a beautiful present.
Today we talk about his latest book Sequentiality: The amazing power of finding the right sequence of steps. We talk about the importance of taking the first step and than the next and than the next. This life is about steps and we can only take them one at a time. Not only that but we need to take them in the right order and in his new book he helps us understand just how to do that. Enjoy and share this episode!
You can get his new book here.
Get to know more about John here.
Comments and questions send them to pastosverdesfarm@gmail.com
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